Two main feelings are associated with pushing our boundaries too far – discomfort and resentment. When you’re in a situation that you don’t feel great about, check in to [...]
When it comes to setting healthy boundaries in your life, the first step is determining where and what those boundaries are! As you go through your day, take note of what actions make you [...]
Words that destroy LOVE Here’s something you’ve probably never considered… There’s a conversation you’re having every day, sometimes several times a day that may be [...]
We’ve all experienced times in our lives where achieving a goal or aspiration seemed like too much of a mountain to climb, and instead of pushing through we’ve retreated [...]
Click here to watch the video The secret to lasting love and friendship in marriage and family is learning and creating the relationship skills to really enjoy each other, live without drama and [...]
Click here to watch the video The secret to lasting love and friendship in marriage and family is learning and creating the relationship skills to really enjoy each other, live without drama and [...]
The secret to lasting love and friendship in marriage and family is learning and creating the relationship skills to really enjoy each other, live without drama and to love life together. Even if [...]
Caffeine is surprisingly one of the world’s most popular mood-altering drugs. Whether it be consumed via coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, or even in some medicines, caffeine is a highly [...]
Negative self-talk is addictive, and it can often be challenging to break free of. Unless we address the cause of self-esteem issues and deal with them head on, we will remain in these [...]
I am curious… when was your last date night as a couple and what did you do? As you are commenting below, save this diffuser recipe so that your next date night is filled with passion! -2 [...]
Sometimes just relaxing with your lover is all that you need… Try this wonderful diffuser blend for those special moments: -3 drops of Citrus Bliss -2 drops of Lavender -1 drop of [...]
I thought it would be a good idea to share with you some thoughts from the recent challnge I had with a small group of couples. .. When we talked about difficult relationships, we all deal with [...]