Caffeine is surprisingly one of the world’s most popular mood-altering drugs. Whether it be consumed via coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, or even in some medicines, caffeine is a highly sought after stimulant.
In fact, billions of people worldwide drink coffee, soda, or some other form of caffeine every day.
Luckily for the masses, caffeine is considered safe for consumption and even has many touted health benefits, but this only applies to consumption in moderation. And while there are standards for moderation, caffeine interacts differently with each person’s physiology, so what is moderate for one person may be excessive for another.

However, most of us have no idea if we are consuming too much because we never take a break from our beloved caffeine to feel the effects, but if you are experiencing any of the following, you may want to consider taking a break to see how your body will respond:
-high blood pressure
-low fertility
Cutting or reducing your caffeine intake could have the following positive effects:
-better sleep
-better mood
-healthier teeth
-reduced anxiety
-better digestion
Of course, as with any stimulant, cutting back or quitting is often accompanied by an uneasy period as our bodies go through withdrawal. We may find ourselves feeling fatigued, irritable, depressed, and unfortunately, this is typically topped off with a headache. Thankfully, this is temporary, and there are many alternative ways to give us the boost we are missing from our beloved caffeine.

Water should always be the number one drink to replace any beverage you remove from your diet. The added hydration will help you with your withdrawal symptoms, and being hydrated will give you a natural boost of energy anyway!
Here are some other ways to keep your energy up as you cut back or remove caffeine from your diet:
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo is an herbal extract from the nut of the Ginkgo tree. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to increase blood flow to the brain and body. Consumed as a tea, a tincture, or in capsule form, Ginkgo has been known to increase focus, wellbeing, and energy.
Ginseng is an extract derived from the ginseng root. Consumed as a tea, a tincture, or in capsule form, ginseng increases blood flow and has a stimulating effect, much like coffee.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a great supplement for jump-starting your day. B12 is known to enhance energy and mental clarity. Taken as a pill or a tincture, B12 is best absorbed under the tongue.
Teeccino and Cafix
These natural caffeine substitutes are made from grains, figs, chicory, and beetroot designed to mimic the flavor of coffee, but without the caffeine.
A good stretch in the morning boosts oxygen metabolism in the blood, which sends oxygen to the muscles and brain to increase alertness and focus.
Consider starting your day with an apple, or having one as a snack when you start to feel yourself lag. The fructose in an apple boosts metabolism into energy production.
Sparkling Water
For soda drinkers, a can of cold sparkling water can wake up the senses by mimicking the experience of drinking a soda, but without the added sugar and caffeine.
As with any major change, it is important to stay open to the fact that this is a transitory time, and it is going to take a moment for your body to adjust.

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