I have a confession. It’s always a huge challenge to get everything DONE sometimes, especially before a big event or deadline. No matter how well schedules are set, there’s always a [...]
I often find myself wondering why we are always on the pursuit of happiness- why can’t we just choose to be happy? According to one study Happiness is: Desire for material things the other [...]
Can you re-kindle love after cheating? Who’s fault is divorce? There is no such thing as a spouse having an affair or asking for divorce “out of the blue”. The reality of [...]
Let’s see if this sounds familiar? I hope not… When you think of divorce or a break-up what is the first thing you think couples say? Money disagreements? Not enough sex? Just not in [...]
What happens when there is miscommunication in your relationship? All too often people blame a miscommunication in a relationship on the fact that men and women do not understand each [...]
How you were raised along with your role in your family can play a significant role in how you set and preserve boundaries. For example, if you played the role of caretaker, and learned [...]
Words that destroy LOVE Here’s something you’ve probably never considered… There’s a conversation you’re having every day, sometimes several times a day that may be [...]
We’ve all experienced times in our lives where achieving a goal or aspiration seemed like too much of a mountain to climb, and instead of pushing through we’ve retreated [...]
The secret to lasting love and friendship in marriage and family is learning and creating the relationship skills to really enjoy each other, live without drama and to love life together. Even if [...]
Caffeine is surprisingly one of the world’s most popular mood-altering drugs. Whether it be consumed via coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, or even in some medicines, caffeine is a highly [...]
I am not sure where I saw this quote, but I absolutely love it because I know essential oils help support countless relationship when it comes to amplifying the intimacy. I recommend getting a [...]
A study done by UCLA found a link between the gene that controls oxytocin and self-confidence. Hugging, kissing, and other forms of physical touch release oxytocin! Oxytocin is a hormone commonly [...]
No matter how big or small, do something that’s challenging! The options are limitless. This is the premise of many games we play on our phones even. The reward center of the brain is [...]